Community Services
Functions of the Community Services Department
- Manage Parks and Open Spaces
- Manage and maintain the Animal Pound
- Manage and maintain Sport and Recreational Facilities and Amenities
- Manage and maintain the Commonage and Forests
- Waste Collection, Transportation and Disposal
- Management and maintenance of Community facilities i.e. Animal pounds, sports fields and Cemeteries
- Management and maintenance of waste disposal sites
- Town beautification, Management of parks and Greening
- Free basic services
- Expanded Public Works Programme
- Environmental Management Services
- Traffic Services
- Law Enforcement services
- Driving Licence Testing Centre
- Registering Authority
- Disaster Management and coordination
Environmental Health and Cleansing
- Manage Business Licenses
- Manage Refuse Disposal Sites
- Manage the inspection and control of hotels, boarding establishments, food outlets, street trading and illegal dumping
- Manage Refuse/Waste Collection and Disposal
Law enforcement
- Manage Traffic Administration and Law Enforcement
- Render Licensing and Testing Services
KPA for Community Services
The department consists of two section namely:
- Community Services
- Law enforcement
DEPARTMENTAL VISION (linked to the Institutional Vision)
To deliver basic services that are appropriate, efficient, sustainable, cost effective and promoting social cohesion.