Budget and Treasury Office
Mission Statement
To provide fiscal and financial management support to Mbhashe Council and its Departments. The department is committed to providing timely, accurate and complete information with the aim of improving living standards for all communities of Mbhashe municipality.
Functions of the Budget and Treasury Department
Section 80 of the Municipal Finance Management Act gives effect to the establishment of Budget and Treasury Office to:
- Advise the Municipal Manager on the exercise of powers and duties assigned to the Accounting Officer in terms of the MFMA
- Assist the Municipal Manager in the administration of the municipalities bank accounts.
- Assist the Municipal Manager in the preparation and implementation of budget.
- Advise other managers in the exercise of powers and duties assigned to them in terms of section 78 or delegated to them in terms of Section 79.
- must perform such budgeting, accounting analysis, financial reporting, cash management, debt management, supply chain management, financial management and other duties delegated to the Chief Financial Officer in terms of Section 79.
Revenue Management
- Credit Control and Debt Management
- Indegent Support
- Cashiering and Banking
- Revenue Management Policies and Procedures
Expenditure Management
- Creditor’s Payment
- Bank Reconciliation
- Financial Statements Preparation and Reporting
Budget and Treasury
- Budget preparation and reporting
- Expenditure / Accounting and Budget Management Policies and Procedures
Supply Chain management
- Supplier Management
- Quotations and Approvals