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NamePublished DateAction
2017-18-Annual-Report-for-Council-7-Dec-2018May 27, 2020
Council Resolution Process Plan 2025-26September 17, 2024
Draft-Reviewed-IDP-2019-20April 20, 2020
Final-2020-21-IDP-29-May-2020-presented-in-the-CouncilMay 27, 2020
FINAL-MBHASHE-LM-IDP-2022-27-Adopted-by-Council-31052022June 10, 2022
Final-Reviewed-2023-24-IDP-Adopted-31-May-2023June 10, 2023
IDP 2024-25 PROCESS PLAN – Council 300823September 11, 2023
IDP-BUDGET-PROCESS-PLAN-2022-23-Council1September 1, 2021
IDPBUDGETPMS PROCESS PLAN -Council28082024September 17, 2024
Invitation-IDP-Rep-ForumMay 27, 2020
Mayors-presentation-virtual-public-participation-2020May 27, 2020
Mbhashe-LM-Draft-IDP-2021-2022April 7, 2021
Mbhashe-LM-Draft-IDP-2022-2027April 5, 2022
Mbhashe-LM-Final-IDP-2017-2022May 27, 2020
Reviewed-2020-21-IDP-29-May-2020-Council-Meeting-Virtual-RoadshowsMay 27, 2020
Reviewed-IDP-2018-2019April 20, 2020


Following the election of the new council in 2011 the municipality embarked on a process of formulating its five year integrated development plan (IDP) 2012 -2017. This document outlines the programmes and development commitments that will be delivered during the term of the current council. The IDP supersedes all other plans of a municipality. The following Process Plan for IDP/Budget was adopted by the Council in its ordinary meeting of 26 August 2011.


The formulation of this IDP as well as its report structure follows a strategic planning methodology which involved 4 distinctive parts, namely

a)    Part-A: dealing with the process plan and gap analysis

b)    Part-B: dealing with the determination of the development challenge and key priorities for addressing that challenge. This part takes the reader through the detail analysis of the issues in terms of the 5 key performance areas of our municipality viz, service delivery, LED, Financial Viability, Good governance and Public Participation, Municipal Institutional Development + Transformation and lastly touches on the SDF. It concludes by identifying key priority focus areas for 2012/2013

c)    Part-C: dealing with future planning addresses how we see the future unfolding. It begins by outlining our agreed vision, mission and values. Thereafter, it outlines strategic development objectives, supporting strategies and projects to be implemented.

Part-D: deals with how we plan to ensure integration in the roll-out of IDP implementation and outlines mechanisms that will be in place to ensure the do-ability of the task. This is done through a series of chapters addressing important sector plans, PMS (policy & SDBIP framework), Approval process.

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