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Destitues to benefit from a housing programme


Elliotdale Unit manager,the acting Mayor and officials from Mbhashe and Department of Human Settlements



The lives of destitute families from Mbhashe Municipality from Elliotdale will change for the better as they will see their new homes being built.Following the intervention of the Eastern Cape Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Fikile Xasa after there was an outcry from Emadwaleni community members to assist these families as they were living in appalling conditions.
MEC Xasa swung into action by approaching the provincial Department of Human Setttlements (DHS) as most of these destitute families residing from Mwana, Hlakothi, Mdizeni, Njizeni and Sidelweni locations were living in dilapidated mud-houses and mostly depended on government grants.
Since then, the provincial department of cooperative governance, human settlements working hand-in-hand with municipality had vowed to do everything in its power to build the families proper houses.
Speaking during a site handover ceremony, Mvanokazi Galela who is the provincial human settlement project manager said the housing programme is championed by the DHS working together Mbhashe Municipality to ensure that these destitute families will have a decent roof over their heads.
“As we’re all aware that it is not an easy process for government to build houses but this was an exceptional case for these families as they dearly needed to be assisted. With the help of CHS developments, a prominent construction company in the country, the department will see to it that 30 two-bedroom fully-furnished houses with kitchens and leaving room areas have been built for all these families” added Galela.
With excitement written all over their faces the beneficiaries cheered and clapped their hands every time Galela tried to paint a clear picture of how the the two-bedroom fully-furnished house will look like.
Zamile Mchithi, 25, who is one of the benefiaries of the yet to be built homes whose parents passed away about 15 years ago has been living with three of his siblings in a muddy dilapidated rondavel and a small flat.
Unable to contain his excitement the young man said “I am very happy and truly grateful to our community that we’ll finally have a decent house which we’ll call a home. Ever since our parents passed away my older siblings have been struggling to build us a new home”.
Speaking on behalf of the Executive Mayor, Corporate Services Portfolio Head Nolumanyano Ngomthi said the municipality is committed to ensuring that the lives of the poverty stricken rural communities are improved through service delivery projects.

Furthermore, she assured other beneficiaries of the initial project of building houses in Elliotdale will pick up from where it left but for now people must be patient as funds are being put together.
Completion for the construction of the 30 houses is expected to be around the end of March whilst the handover to be in April.